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May 28 / Administrator

May 22 – 25 Fairford

Jo, Todd, Alexander, Oliver and Sienna arrived on Tuesday this week. Annie and Gerry only just made it in time to the arrival hall (In fact we only had to pay for 30 minutes parking – is this a record?). 270-201205P1.JPGWe were all soon back in Fairford and then grannie and grandpa agreed to the children’s request to go fishing but only after they had had some lunch. Sienna preferred to make buttercup chains rather than get too muddy and none of the children was phased when the cows came to see them. We also renewed our acquaintance with a horse called Snowy (no idea of the correct name but that was what Alexander called the horse on a visit 4 years ago).


Oliver 270-201205P4.JPGnext satisfied his passion for model railways with a session on grandpa’s trains. He quickly mastered the controllers and was allowed to operate unsupervised!!
The following day we visited the Cotswold Farm Park and enjoyed a picnic and a wonderful time driving the battery powered tractors,bouncy mats, zip wire etc – They also fed some of the goats and handled some small animals in the petting area.

On Friday Jenny brought Bethany, Callum and Elsie over for tea. The 6 children got on really well 270-201205P6.JPG 270-201205P7.JPGand had a great time playing and then having tea together. All too soon it was time for Jenny to take her children back home.

In the evening Jonathan (minus his bride to be since it was the night before his wedding), James and Hannah, Lucy and James (Hopkins) joined us for dinner, discussions about phones and to stay the night before the big day.
