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Oct 18 / Administrator

16 October – Manhattan Beach

220-01Oliver.JPGWe came across to Manhattan Beach for the day last Saturday and again today (Monday) as Todd is away for a couple of nights on business. We had a great time and took several pictures. Click on Oliver to see the rest taken over the last few days. You can see how happy Oliver is and how Alexander enjoyed making (with Granny) and decorating (with Granny and mummy) Halloween Cookies. Gerry kept out of the way during this exercise by enjoying some technical play with Oliver. He has a toy (inherited from Alexander) that has several revolving discs. He is absolutely fascinated by the motion and uses his fingers to feel and control the speed as well as putting different things on to the discs to see what happens. He also turns the toy upside down to see if the mechanism is open underneath. It is amazing to watch his concentration and understanding of what happens when he does certain things. The final photos are of Alexander getting ready to go to school with Granny and Grandpa. He looks a real young lad with his backpack on.