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Oct 2 / Administrator

17 -19 August 2011 – Fairford

370-20110819a.JPG Bethany and Callum came to stay for a couple of nights. The weather was pretty grim on one day but we managed a lovely time with walks in the puddles, craftwork with Annie, making cakes with Annie, playing with grandpa’s model railway and dressing up.
The next day was quite different weather wise and we visited the Cotswold Farm Park. Bethany and Callum had a super time looking at some of the animals but mostly playing on tractors (electric and pedal power), bouncing on a big bouncy mat and climbing frames. 270-20110819b.JPG

We enjoyed a picnic and an ice-cream before heading back to Caversham.270-20110819c.JPG270-20110819d.JPG
Callum enjoyed pedal power but preferred the motorised tractors!
Granny and Grandpa then returned home exhausted(!) but having had a great few days.