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May 21 / Administrator

21 May – Cusco (again)

Since we last wrote we have travelled by train up to Agua Calientes to spend the night in a hotel there. Next moprning we were up at 4;45 for breakfast and then bussed to Machu Picchu and the Inca ruins. They were not quite as magical as we expected – maybe because of the hundreds of tourists. We had got there just as the sun came up over the hill top and enjoyed glorious weather for our trip- One has to marvel at the construction skills if the Incas and the sheer volume of building work carried out on top of a mountain. As we left just before lunch so the first of the day trip tourists started to arrive – if it was crowded at dawn it was positively heaving by noon!!!!!

This morning we did not know what we were going to do as we have really seen Cusco. Fortunately, there was a big parade with various demonstrations – police dogs, mountain rescue from the top of a church. These filled our morning nicely. We have now had more than enough time in Cusco and look forward to the last leg of our trip ïn the truck¨ We have some hotels and then 3 more camp nights!!! Now we are seasoned campers who knows what further adventures we might dream up!!