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Jul 31 / Administrator

July 21 – July 25 Alexander, Oliver and Sienna’s Visit

We have had glorious weather whilst the US contingent has been staying with us.  We have enjoyed swimming and fishing in the River Coln, playing in the Fairford Park, (frightening the grandparents occasionally)learning to play cricket even though Oliver and Alexander could not get used to bowling instead of pitching.




Kate, Isobel and Mollly also visited us for tea but unfortunately we did not get any photographs of the visit.

We also enjoyed a day out at Goodrich Castle near Ross on Wye and a day at The Cotswold Wildlife Park with Jenny, Bethany, Callum and Elsie.  The children really enjoyed themselves.  As usual, it was the park and the train rather than the animals that they will remember!!  That day was also Sienna’s birthday and so we had a nice party for the children.



