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Jul 18 / Administrator

16-18 July 2013 – Exmoor

Following Dorothy’s Funeral service we decided to get away for a couple of days camping and walking on Exmoor.   The campsite was delightful and the camping field almost empty.  We pitched the tent in the usual 45 minutes and enjoyed a cup of tea/coffee before setting out on our first walk.  The walk was very pleasant and notable because we saw so few people.  Indeed that was true of our longer walk the next morning which include stretches beside the river Barle and across open fields and through woodland there were some really beautiful views.  The weather was fantastic and very hot.  Indeed, it was so hot that by lunchtime we had done enough walking and drove to Lynton on the coast for the afternoon.  This morning we set out for our walk before 7:30am and enjoyed a 3 mile stroll along quiet roads and across rolling fields returning to the campsite for breakfast.  We packed up the tent and set off for home by just after 11am.  A good couple of days away.

