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Aug 16 / Administrator

16 August 2012 – Fairford

Bethany and Callum came 270-20120815a.JPGto stay for three days earlier this week.

Unfortunately, the weather was not very kind on two of the days and outdoor activities were drastically curtailed. However, with lots of craft work (including making masks), Grandpa’s trains and other toys, time passed very quickly.

270-20120815b.JPGThe good weather day dawned with Bethany requesting a trip to The Cotswold Farm Park. Callum readily agreed, and we set off so as to arrive by opening time. This was so that the children could get to the tractor school before it got crowded. It worked, and they enjoyed driving the battery powered tractors around a course. We also fed 270-20120815c.JPG270-20120815d.JPG270-20120815e.JPG270-20120815f.JPG 270-20120815g.JPGthe goats, petted some smaller animals as well as playing on the pedal tractors, roller riders and the bouncy pillow. A picnic, ice creams, and several hours later both agreed they had had a great day out.

The evening was spent watching some new DVDs before they both quickly settled down to sleep very contented!.

It was a lovely 3 days although, not surprisingly, Grannie and Grandpa needed a rest afterwards.