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May 9 / Administrator

07 May Fairford

We had popped into see Jenny and Bethany on our way back from Heathrow last week but obviously could not spend much time with them. 220-Water 1.JPG So we were very pleased when Jenny and Bethany came to visit from lunch time until early evening today. The weather was sunny and warm and as you can see from the photographs Bethany enjoyed playing with the water feature, playing football and helping Granny with the weeding. Bethany was a great help putting the weeds into the bag until she discovered that playing with the soil was just as much fun. After tea and a bath it was time for Bethany and her mum to head home. It was great to see Jenny and Bethany for a decent period of time and to appreciate just how much Bethany had changed whilst we were away. Click here for some more photos although I now realise I did not get any full face photos -Bethany was too busy!